Recruitment is the process of identifying candidates and selecting the most suitable to fill a role within a business. It involves:
- Defining the role’s scope and activities and KeyPerformance Indicators (KPIs)
- Attracting the right individual(s).
- Selecting the people who potentially seems like the best fit for the job.
- Interviewing the most suitable candidates.
- Negotiating terms of employment.
- Hiring the new employee and completing the necessary paperwork.
- Induction and onboarding the employee that’s been chosen as the best fit.
Why it’s important to invest time and money into recruitment
Most employers will agree that finding people that are a good fit for their organisation is the most fundamental thing to get right in business. The right people will make your work environment more productive and with the values fit, enhance the culture. It also ensures that your business grows and thrives. Anyone who’s had experience with an employee that’s not a good fit will testify that taking the time to recruit the right person initially is worth the effort.
The truth is, that good employees rarely fall into your lap. It really is important to have a thorough recruitment process that will save you time searching for that person. Strong interview techniques and defined role requirements will give you the confidence to know that you’ll find the best candidate for the job.
Preparation is key
Before we can start looking for the right candidate for a role, first we must be sure we gain a good insight of how your business ticks and its culture. It’s important to recognise that each company has an organisational culture that won’t suit every candidate. We’ll need to identify how the new employee and/or role will fit into the structure of your business.
Next, we’ll nut out the tasks and responsibilities of the role, as well as the qualifications and experience required (more about that next week). Some employers will need a new employee to hit the ground running, so prior experience is necessary. But some might be happy to find someone they can train to adapt to the role.
We’ll almost always need to attract more applicants than we think we’ll need, as some applicants may potentially be unsuitable or unqualified.
So there you have it – the bones of recruiting – but there’s more! There are some key areas that are essential we look at in depth. We’ll shed some light on each area over the coming weeks.
Of course, every employer and every role will come with its individual requirements, so although this is a great starting point, it won’t replace the advice of an expert. So, if you’re ready to start looking for the right employee to join your business click on the button below to get in touch!